1. Introduction
  2. Prerequistes
  3. Set Environment Variables
  4. Setup SSH daemon
  5. Download hadoop and place it in the home directory.
  6. Unpack hadoop
  7. Configure Hadoop
  8. Format the namenode
  9. Setup hadoop plugin
  10. Start the cluster
  11. Setup hadoop location
  12. Upload data
  13. Create and run a test project.
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Format the namenode

Next step is to format the Namenode to create a Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).

  1. Open a new Cygwin window.
  2. Execute the following commands:
    cd hadoop-0.19.1
    mkdir logs
    bin/hadoop namenode -format

    Format the namenode
  3. The last command will run for some time and produce output similar to that shown below:

    Hadoop Distributed File System created.

    Now that the filesystem has been created you can proceed to the next step.


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